Please add your name and surname. Use your real name please.
This information is very important as I'll be able to provide more accurate information regarding fees, time schedules, etc.
I'll need to get back to you, so you must provide your email address!
If you made a mistake in the above field, I wouldn't be able to get back to you!
The more information the coach has about your current level, the better.
Basic information
Basic information
Basic information
Basic information
Basic information
What operating system do you use on your computer? *
It'll be easier for me to make recommendations if I know what operating system you use. (you can pick more than one if you like)
When you play on-line, which server or servers do you use? (you can pick more than one) *
Basic information
Which of the following programs or databases do you normally use? You can pick more than one *
Basic information.
This is an important question.
Apart from our Chess Counselling plans, would you like to get information on our other chess services as well? if so, pick all the ones you're interested in. *
You'll get a .PDF file with full information on each of the services which we offer.
Please use this field to ask any additional questions or provide any comments.